Care Net

Ultrasound 2019 Flyer

Each year here at The Lighthouse, we participate in the annual Baby Bottles for Care Net drive to raise funds for the CareNet center of Greater Orleans.

An unplanned pregnancy, STI or parenting challenge can be difficult and many people in such situations feel they have nowhere to turn for support and guidance.

At CareNet, resources are provided by friends like you, men and women in our community that care and can bring hope – FREE OF CHARGE.

CareNet provides a safe environment for individuals and couples to think and learn about all the available options. Care Net Center of Greater Orleans is NOT an abortion clinic. They do NOT perform abortions or refer to any abortion facility.

Join us here at The Lighthouse as we raise much needed funds for the great organization. Pick up a bottle this Sunday and fill it will your change and dollars!

Thank you. We Are All Wonderfully Made (Ps. 139:14)